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The Nano Word War on Harry and Ginny

Some of our members are taking part in this years Nanowrimo, follow thier progress here, and see who is leading The Great Harry and Ginny Word War 2006!




--Bart on 05 November 2006 - 02:20PM

I'll get you yet young Bart!

Come on Imogen, we've got to trounce the upstart!

I've had a bit of a slow start so far (I think I'm at half of what I should be on...) but hopefully that'll pick up while watching LotR tonight. That said, I'm breaking off at 10pm to watch Spurs thrash Chelsea with Dad.

Imogen, Bart and anyone else taking part (if you are and aren't up - throw something at Bart!), I wish you all the best of luck!

But I'm totally going to win, so nyah! :P

- Yoda on 05 November 2006 - 09:13PM
Ha! I'm ahead, but I suspect not for long. I'm 400 words short of where I should be tonight, but I'm off for a nice glass of wine instead.

Not convinced I'm going to get there this year, and she's snogging someone other than the hero as well. What on earth is going on?
- Imogen on 05 November 2006 - 09:19PM
Hah! Your paltry efforts will come to nothing! Read 'Em and Weep, people, Read 'Em and Weep.
- bart on 05 November 2006 - 09:53PM
I'll get you yet... I've got a double free today. Aiming for 10,000 words by tonight. Muahaha!

Then I'd better mark some coursework....
- Imogen on 06 November 2006 - 07:52AM

And the ten thousand barrier is breached!

Although you both stand a good chance of flying past me tomorrow, as I'm off out with friends for a beer and a curry. 

- bart on 06 November 2006 - 11:21PM

A cool one thousand words written on the bus home today, earning more than one stare from other travellers as my fingers made more noise than our clapped-out old transport.

Unluckily for me I'm off to play squash now... and I had hope to breach the 10k mark.

All I know is I don't want to stay up to 3am on the last night/day breaking the barrier again...

- Yoda on 07 November 2006 - 09:28PM
I think I'll be up until the last minute. I find it hard to keep this rate up during the week because I've got work I should be doing at home - and I'm getting behind on that now.

Hopefully a nice steady plod through the week then a blitz at weekends should keep me sane. I've got coursework to mark on Thursday, so won't get a thing done then.
- Imogen on 08 November 2006 - 08:13AM

I made the fatal mistake of mangling my fingers during squash last night, which was good. But I've broken 10k thanks to another amazing writathon on the bus home, gamely holding on to the laptop as we bounced over most of Oxfordshire - I was on the top deck tonight *hee*

Which means I'm second, temporarily at least :D

Now if X2 would stop being so distracting... and the lure of 24: Season 5 (since July I've been waiting for that to come out - July!)

- Yoda on 08 November 2006 - 10:46PM

*just to be silly*

hee, look, I'm on 12345 words!

- Yoda on 10 November 2006 - 07:44PM

I'm going to blister through a big chunk of this story this weekend. I hope... 20,000 words by Sunday night, here I come!
- Imogen on 11 November 2006 - 09:21AM

Well, I got a bit more written than I expected last night, It's going to need loads of work at a later date, but still, it's there and I'm through the 12000 barrier.

Now lets, see how much I can blast through this weekend! 

- bart on 11 November 2006 - 11:31AM

I'm currently in plot development hell, and unless I write 5.5k in half an hour I'm not going to be on course for much at this rate.

But it's amazing the effect of seeing you both in front of me - time for some overtaking speed!

Onwards to... plot... development? (code: rambling)

- Yoda on 13 November 2006 - 12:31AM
I had a good run yesterday and managed to top the 20,000 mark, so I'm back where I should be and (once I'm over the really hideous awkward conversation I'm writing at the moment) it should be reasonably ok for the next 5,000 words or so.

It's very clunky as it stands, but on a redraft this should turn into a really fun story. I'm looking forward to getting to the tinkering with it stage!

Come on you two - you've got to catch me up. It's being unnerving being this far in front!
- Imogen on 13 November 2006 - 07:56AM

Well the grand total for yesterday was 33 words...

But this week will be different.

It will...




- bart on 13 November 2006 - 08:04PM

According to the NaNo website's official progress meter I've got to write 2,112 words per day to stand a chance of meeting the 50,000 mark again.

So I'll be writing early, again.

But for tonight I'm off to mangle my fingers while playing squash, again.

Again, again.

- Yoda on 14 November 2006 - 09:07PM

According to the NaNo website's official progress meter I've got to write 2,112 words per day to stand a chance of meeting the 50,000 mark again.

So I'll be writing early, again.

But for tonight I'm off to mangle my fingers while playing squash, again.

Again, again.

- Yoda on 14 November 2006 - 09:11PM
so sorry for breaking up your banter, but I just wanted to say good luck to each of you :)
- lonelyzephyr83 on 14 November 2006 - 11:38PM
Tonight's the point where I fall behind again. I've got a parents' evening. Gah!

Plot's going well. I've got loads to write about still, and with a bit of luck I'll be half-way tomorrow. I'll catch up with the missing night at the weekend - honest!

By the way, what do you do when your female protagonist just isn't interested in the hero?
- Imogen on 15 November 2006 - 08:08AM
Come on Bart! How's it happening? Can we get the muse working overtime again?
- Imogen on 16 November 2006 - 09:00AM

I've been finding it oddly helpful to look at this part of the NaNo website (that I didn't even know existed):

If you swap out the last numbers to 90079 (Imogen) or 124987 (bart) you can check out how you're doing. The bit that's helping me is watching the number in the last column slowly head back down to the normal rate(!) and also how long it expects you to take to hit 50K at your current rate (at the top of the page). Imogen's closes, with 15 days to go she's on 16... suspect she's actually on course but given it's 1:45am she has sensibly not updated today. Unlike me.

a.k.a. night!

ps: thanks for the luck lonelyzephyr, I'm totally yoinking that!

- Yoda on 17 November 2006 - 02:47AM
Very cool link. It's just like the spreadsheet you used to download and have on your computer and I really missed that this year.

I've written more before work this morning (got a later start today) and updated my first half of today's word count. More coming tonight though.

I'm slightly behind target but I'll catch up over the weekend. Hoping to be ahead by Sunday night, somewhere just below the 35k mark.
- Imogen on 17 November 2006 - 08:18AM
Squeeeeeeeee. 30k, 30k, 30k...

That's a whopping 60% done!!!

I am back on target YAY!!!
- Imogen on 18 November 2006 - 11:08PM

See my mighty 47 on Saturday! (power cuts)

See my lowly 3955 on Sunday! (Return of the King)

Did I get those the wrong way around? Either way, I've gone from 5.5 days behind to 3.2 days behind - rock on!

PS: Exceedingly jealous of 'back on target' lady :-P

- Yoda on 20 November 2006 - 09:38PM

Just broke 30k... and now I have to catch the bus in five hours time...

I love this contest, really.

- Yoda on 21 November 2006 - 02:37AM
I'm struggling with motivation now. I'm really flagging. It doesn't help that work is insane at the moment either :(

I'm trying to look at it from the angle of 'only 12 and a bit thousand to go... That's nothing' - but it's feeling like an enormous mountain all the same.
- Imogen on 22 November 2006 - 10:38PM

*pedal to the metal*

Guess who's got a five day holiday up until the 30th? Guess who? Go on, you'll never guess!

40K by the end of today if all goes well and I manage to stay on track...

Okay, 40K sometime soon, at least.

- Yoda on 24 November 2006 - 12:58PM
LOL I officially hate you. I'm still at work. I'll be hitting 40k in an hour or two, and the plan is to get to 46 or 47 by the end of the weekend, so it'll be finished early next week at a push, or by Wednesday at a respectable crawl.
- Imogen on 24 November 2006 - 05:58PM

I've been delayed by a combination of house-guests, chores, unexpected house-guests and suddenly realising that today is badminton night.

All together now: 'Finger-mashin' he will go, finger-mashin' he will go...'

I'm going to give up with 40k by the end of today and just aim for something halfway respectable at the end of Sunday instead.

Sheesh, having a life gets in the way of NaNo, must re-arrange life next year.

- Yoda on 24 November 2006 - 06:57PM
Life? What's one of them then?
- Imogen on 24 November 2006 - 09:36PM

Wow Imogen, only 1300 words to go in 4 days, I' m assuming congrats are going to be in order soon ;)

Yoda, not too bad really if you really use your holiday to practice the art of being a hermit ;) hehe, go go go!!

Bart, I believe in rooting for the underdog...:)  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

- lonelyzephyr83 on 27 November 2006 - 05:44AM

Thanks for the cheer alongs LonelyZephyr! Come on Yoda! And Bart - you're just going to have to trounce us both into the ground next year!
- Imogen on 27 November 2006 - 07:58PM

Congrats Imogen, I'll just have to try and pip you to the post next year - as for this year I'll settle for finishing (again) I should hit the 40Ks tonight and my overall aim is to be finished by Wednesday at some point (back to work on Thursday and I don't want to have to finish it on the bus home!)

But good news, after 38,000 words or so my main character (The Dreamweaver of the title) has finally shown up. And promptly faded away to non-existence.


- Yoda on 27 November 2006 - 10:15PM

Congratulations are definitely in order Imogen, well done!

Yoda, I'm looking forward to seeing your numbers pass that wonderous 50K mark :)  I have no doubts you'll get there by Wednesday

Go Bart, go Bart! you've been absent lately, but I haven't given up hope you'll make a spectacular finish! 

- lonelyzephyr83 on 28 November 2006 - 05:46AM
Come on YODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Imogen on 30 November 2006 - 03:21PM



- Yoda on 30 November 2006 - 08:39PM



I believe that's just enough to pretend that I beat Imogen... *phew*

Want the great news? It isn't over yet, I'm still a good two chapters from the end. But for now, this is yoda, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off...

(I'll finish it tomorrow...maybe)

- Yoda on 01 December 2006 - 12:37AM

Well done you. A stylish meeting of the deadline. (Just how close was it?)
- Imogen on 01 December 2006 - 07:54AM

Congratulations to you both!

I should have known, my good start would crash to a halt at some point and it did, but the shell is there for a story so, after crimbo I'll dust it off and take a look. 

- bart on 01 December 2006 - 03:45PM
I hit 50272 at about 11:15, it was a nice cruise this time instead of a frantic dash like last year, and already a new shiny certificate thingy decorates my desk at work :-D
- Yoda on 01 December 2006 - 07:02PM
congrats Yoda!  And Bart, good effort; even though you didn't make it, you still tried and that's more than I can say *blush* I had planned on trying, but I kinda sorta didn't....*looks sheepish* maybe next year we'll make a run at it!
- lonelyzephyr83 on 02 December 2006 - 02:35AM
I think you should all be proud for doing as much as you did!!! But will we ever get to read these writings?!!! Does everyone else already know the answer to that question? Am I an idiot for asking?!!!  : )
- JHoll on 03 December 2006 - 07:37AM
JHoll - I'm not publishing mine on the net because it's an original rather than a fanfic, but if you want to do some savage beta work on it once the story's finished, let me know. I always enjoy your feedback and I'd be thrilled to have it on this one. It's very much a first draft so there are all manner of errors and glitches in it.
- Imogen on 03 December 2006 - 01:45PM
P.S. Yoda, I'm up to 52,000 on mine now ;)
- Imogen on 03 December 2006 - 01:46PM

Imogen...bring it on! Seriously, it would be an honor.  I always enjoy reading your work, and I'm sure an original would be no different...

Happy writing!! 


- JHoll on 03 December 2006 - 04:35PM

As ever my attempts are up on my fictionpress.com account which can be accessed via my signature or by going to http://www.fictionpress.com/~yoda (but should I ever sell one of them it will probably disappear!)

Imogen, when I get around to finishing I swear I'll surpass ye! *throws down the gauntlet*

But right now I'm in th emiddle of the last episode of '24' season 5 :-D

- Yoda on 03 December 2006 - 10:09PM
You probably will pass me. This one is nearly done. It'll be sub-60k on the first draft. All I've got to do now is tie up a few loose ends and throw a nifty little twist in at the end...

JHoll - I've emailed you and wittered a lot! Make of it what you will ;)
- Imogen on 04 December 2006 - 07:50AM
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