Harry & Ginny

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If you would like to read the more mature stories on the site, please email admin AT harryandginny.co.uk with your board user name. You must be over 18.

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The Wedding

© Leela Starsky

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Harry and Ginny Update

If you would like to read the stories here, please send an email to admin AT harryandginny DOT co DOT uk with the following information:

  • Preferred user name
  • If you're over 18, would you like access to all stories?

 Apologies for this system of registration, but we're being flooded with spam accounts and it's the easiest way of keeping the site secure. The email is checked daily, so you shouldn't be waiting more than 24 hours before your account is online.

If you don't hear back within a day, please try again or leave me a message here - my email spam filter gets a little enthusiastic sometimes!

--Imogen on 31 October 2011 - 07:41AM
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