*takes deep breath*
Harry is SUCH a sweetie! And I love that Ginny has a bit more patience with him in this fic than others. Most fic authors make her impatient and temperamental, and while I believe she is fiery, I don't believe her to be unfair, and sometimes I think her impatience in fanfics is a bit unfair. I think you've done her justice.
I also loved Sirius and Remus's participation in the story- I love those two.
And Dobby's song to Ginny? I couldn't breathe from giggling and was sitting there clapping my hands excitedly with each new discovery of what Harry had planned! Absolutely awesome :) I believe this to be the best HP fluff I've ever read :D (And damn I've read a lot!)
Author's Response: What a wonderful review -- THANK YOU! I really appreciate you taking the time/effort to leave such a lovely response. I'm glad you enjoyed the story -- I certainly enjoyed it eons ago when I wrote it ;-) This was actually the 1st fanfic I ever wrote. I'm still an insanely slow writer (too much else going on!) but I do still enjoy H/G more than anything. If you want, you're welcome to check out more here: http://www.phoenixsong.net/fanfiction/stories.php?psid=5 Imogen's stories are also posted there (most of them, at least), and she's always been so sweet about PhoenixSong. She's part of the reason that I eventually ended up doing so much w/fics in general. Anyway... thanks again!!