I absolutly love this story! I would also love to read the ending of it! Could you please put the ending on here?? I would love to read it!
"Alas, it won't last long I'm afraid".
Bad words for an author to say. You've totally gone and spoiled your own story. Not to mention you haven't even posted it yet! >_<
Heh. You warned the ladies to get the tissues out? I was a bit disappointed. Could have had a lot more agony put into it.
Not to mention, you keep writing "You're" when it should be "your" :P (eg. "YOUR mum wanted to come and see you".
nice chapter!
I hope that you update soon!!
thats so sad :( It must be really hard to miscarry and i can see why gin is so upset and harry feeling completely useless... :(:(
nice story!!!
uh oh!!! is ginny miscarrying... :S
so so so good! please keep writing!!!!
So sweet! Really romantic.
i like it!
please write more!!!!
i love it! please write more! =)
I'm really enjoying this story. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! My heart just broke for Ginny and Harry when they lost the baby, but was pleased that Ginny was determined to get through it and try again. After reading the author note in this chapter, I'm very anxious about this latest pregnancy and hope it will go full term, but suspect otherwise.
Having just wandered onto this website, I don't know how long it's been since an update to this story, but I'll be anxiously waiting for more!
Why is it necessary to put them through more hell. Haven't they been through enough. Do something to Ron and Hermione for a change!
Nice work. Miscarriage isn't an easy thing to deal with, but you've portrayed the guilt and pain very well. Ginny's feelings about this new pregnancy are very believable. I do love the Harry/Ginny dynamic you've created. I'd love more!
write more please!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3
Author's Response: It's coming! I promise!
more please!!
AWWWWW. I'm so happy for them. They are so cute together. I hope Ginny and Harry get what they want and need this time.
write more please