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Reviews For Alpha and Omega
Reviewer: Mcily Nochi Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:24PM Title: Face the Sun

I saw the art that Kate did for you and, curious, found my way to this site. I've read "Alpha and Omega" now over the course of three days, at the exclusion of my organic chemistry homework, unfortunately. But I had to drop a note and say that I think the premise is fascinating and really got me thinking, and then was executed wonderfully. I sincerely hope you continue writing. I know it has brought me great peace and joy, and will continue to for the rest of my life. So be it with you.

Reviewer: Matharial Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:23PM Title: Face the Sun

Excellent, I finally finished alpha and omega~! hooray! *cheers!! Well done. I seriosuly love your stories. I would gush on right now about how your such a talented writer, but i would probably use uip all the space on this website :) Such original ideas and dedication! Woah. WEll thanks alot for the great read, and I'm looking forward to reading your other stories in this world!~!! p.s. The scene where Ginny adn Harry were talking to McGonalgal when they thought it was about sex was histerical! matharial

Reviewer: Lia Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:13PM Title: Two Hands, One Heart

The story is comming along nicely. Great job on showing the tensions and emotions so far. My one question is: What happened to Snape?

Reviewer: Lia Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:11PM Title: The End of An Era

A nice bit of work! You have a nice way of bringing out the often unseen side of the caracters. The only thing I have to critisize is the lack of background information...It is like trying to know what is going on in a book when you skipped the first five chapters.

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