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Reviews For Carpe Diem
Reviewer: LilaBear Signed
Date: 08 September 2007 - 04:12PM Title: Checkmate

LOL. GO HARRY!! haha. So good to see him playing Ginny's game back at her for once ;)

Reviewer: bobo300 Signed
Date: 28 August 2007 - 01:59AM Title: Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

that was kind of emo

Reviewer: razzle Signed
Date: 12 August 2007 - 08:23PM Title: Seize the Day

I have always been a huge harry/ginny shipper and this story just made my day!

Reviewer: mione Signed
Date: 12 March 2007 - 01:18AM Title: Epilogue




 I have just spent the better part of a day glued to my computer reading this.  It is amazing.  Looks like I'll be spending the rest of the week reading the others! 

Reviewer: mione Signed
Date: 12 March 2007 - 12:54AM Title: Epilogue




 I have just spent the better part of a day glued to my computer reading this.  It is amazing.  Looks like I'll be spending the rest of the week reading the others! 

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:35AM Title: Epilogue

OMG!! I loved this story.  I've got to get on and read the second one!!!!  I've also totally got to print this one out!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:33AM Title: Seize the Day

I think I'm going to steal peoples socks right about now...

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:23AM Title: A New Dawn


Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:16AM Title: To Die For


Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:09AM Title: The Lady Vanishes

AH!  I'm soo excited to read the next chapter!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 01:03AM Title: Detention and Deductions

DAMN!! You're always giving me these cliffies.  Luckily I'm reading this after you've already finished it so I really don't have to worry about the cliffhangers, but still.  I still believe that you're doing a phenomenal job on this story and can't wait to read more.  I was severely pissed off by the lack of reviews on your story so I'm oing to keep reviewing...I only wish that everyone who read this had told you how wonderful you are.  See I write too and i know how discouraging it is when no one reviews.  This story is too good for me not to review every chapter. 

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 12:45AM Title: Curiouser and Curiouser

CUriouser and Curiouser.  You love to put out these cliffies don't you?

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 02 August 2006 - 12:37AM Title: Christmas

I love fred and george's reaction to her and Harry dating...it just totally cracked me up.

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 10:47PM Title: Past, Present and Future

THis chapter made me scream so much that my mom has hit a permanent dent into my head

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 10:34PM Title: Checkmate

I'm dancing around the room.  This is GREAT!!!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 10:28PM Title: Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

I'm so glad that ron didn't freak out completely.  I love how you wrote what happened though...very in character.

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 10:10PM Title: Plans and Potions

Well dang.  Ron has always got to be such a drama queen!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 07:13PM Title: Sunday Afternoon

Leaving people on a cliffhanger like that is just wrong!

Author's Response: LOL At least you've got the next chapter already waiting. I've done much worse cliffies than that! Thanks for the reviews. I'm enjoying reading them!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 07:02PM Title: Quarrels and Quidditch

awww...that's so cute!! a man to man talk!

Reviewer: thegirlwiththehazeleyes Signed
Date: 01 August 2006 - 06:56PM Title: The Charm

oh crap...

I've seriously fallen in love with this story.  YOu're a great writer and you really have a way with words.  They flow easily and you don't rush things which is rare, but once again I commend you on such a great job.

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