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Reviews For Carpe Diem
Reviewer: knightout Anonymous
Date: 14 December 2005 - 08:32AM Title: The Burrow

great start, and thanks for not using the word "anyways."  It bugs me to death!

Reviewer: Morgan and Olivia Anonymous
Date: 13 November 2005 - 08:37PM Title: Epilogue

Oh, wow. This was an AWESOME fanfic!!! I luffed it!!! You're a great fanfic writer!

~Morgs & Liv

Reviewer: dayana Anonymous
Date: 11 November 2005 - 06:54PM Title: The Burrow

i ferst read ur fanfic about a year ago and i loved them then and i still love them now!! ihave bin waiting for u to finish "home is where the hart is" for so long and i cant wait ne longer...so iam going now to read it:) plez carry on writing such good storys

Reviewer: dayana Anonymous
Date: 11 November 2005 - 06:53PM Title: The Burrow

i ferst read ur fanfic about a year ago and i loved them then and i still love them now!! ihave bin waiting for u to finish "home is where the hart is" for so long and i cant wait ne longer...so iam going now to read it:) plez carry on writing such good storys

Reviewer: itsme07863 Signed
Date: 04 November 2005 - 09:29PM Title: Seize the Day

great story!!! hahaha

Reviewer: Hank Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:20PM Title: Epilogue

Ah, that was just as good the third time around as it was the first time I read it. I always love to read this story when I'm in a bad mood or things aren't going well. It's like a lovely dream and when I wake from it, there is an irrepressible grin on my face (rather than Harry's). Must be magic or something...

Reviewer: Hank Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:19PM Title: Seize the Day

Gotta love Fred and George with their sock spell. Too precious.

Reviewer: Hank Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:18PM Title: Curiouser and Curiouser

One thing stands out as I continue to read your story: your style of writing. It is marvelous. Words and phrases effortlessly and intricately blend in a delightful, almost lyrical style. I also love the way you effortlessly interweave the different plot elements. Of course, I'm sure it only looks effortless. ;-)

Reviewer: Hank Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:17PM Title: Checkmate

I love how you've brought all the chess pieces to life and added so much more detail to this singular aspect of JKR's universe. It is charming. Then you added Harry and Ginny to it. Simply amazing. I also like how Ginny challenges Harry to the chess game and displays her mischievous side. Too funny and a beautiful way to develop her character. This is the third time I've read Carpe Diem and I must say that this story has a magic all of its own. It is very precious. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: carlene-79 Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:16PM Title: The Burrow

That was a great story. You are a very talented writer. I pretty much read the whole thing without stoping. Sorry I didn't leave more reviews, but I couldn't slow down long enough. Great job!

Reviewer: pdlegirl Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:15PM Title: Epilogue

Ahh..that was a great fic! I think I started it on another site(who knows which one), but I'm glad I found it again. Thanks for the entertainment! j I'm off to read the rest of them.....

Reviewer: Lia Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:15PM Title: The Burrow

A nice bit of work! You have a nice way of bringing out the often unseen side of the caracters. The only thing I have to critisize is the lack of background information...It is like trying to know what is going on in a book when you skipped the first five chapters.

Reviewer: Lia Anonymous
Date: 16 October 2005 - 09:14PM Title: The Burrow

The story is comming along nicely. Great job on showing the tensions and emotions so far. My one question is: What happened to Snape?

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