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Reviews For Nil Desperandum
Reviewer: Yoda Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:19PM Title: The Sorting Hat

You know, I can't even try to review after having read all that and the new chapter (that's quite old because I've been slow). Can I just say 'keep up the good work as always Imogen'

Reviewer: Nome Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:19PM Title: The Sorting Hat

One thing that's always bothered me is an issue with the old "Not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." What about Sirius Black? Was it a hint from JK Rowling that everyone agreed that all Dark Wizards from Hogwarts were in Slytherin, but that the most notorious "Dark" wizard, wasn't? Why would Ron, coming from a wizarding family, scared by the name Sirius Black all his life, or Hagrid, who surely knew who he was, would say such a line when everyone knows he was a Gryffindor? Would a Slytherin be the Potters' best friend, which made Sirius' "betrayal" so infamous?

Anyway, if you want fabulous, unbiased views on Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, go read Ozma's (on SQ) Squib Series. Great plot, great characterization, and a funny, unbiased take on the differences (or lack of) between Gryffindors and Slytherins.

Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:18PM Title: The Sorting Hat

QUOTE Slytherin as the house that produced the greatest generals and leaders against the Dark, not just as the house that produces Dark Wizards

I agree with you actually, which is why Hope has been sorted where she has been - into Slytherin. Should break down quite a few prejudices along the way, with a bit of luck.

As for other fics, I wish I could help you, but I can't

Reviewer: Professor Jo Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:17PM Title: The Sorting Hat

You make a good point. I suppose that it's wrong to see things in such a "black or white" way, but that's the tendency of man. By human nature, we sort, in our mind's eyes, what we like versus what we don't like. In canon, the characters in Slyth are actively portrayed as evil, mean, cruel and sneaky, therefore, that's how we see them. However, the characters in Gryff are able to be portrayed more like themselves - nice, normal kids, who probably mess up more often than we'd typically think - by virtue of the fact that Harry and the people that he mostly associates with are Gryffs and we have the luxury of delving deeper into their personalities.

Because canon is told from one POV - Harry's - we can only see what he sees, and since he sees his House more than anything else, well, 'nuff said. Many fan-fic authors choose to write that way as well. For that reason, among many others, in my fic I don't keep to one POV. I move around, and try to tell the story from many angles. This isn't how canon is done, but that's fine by me - I'm not out to imitate canon.

Reviewer: Valint Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:17PM Title: The Sorting Hat

The depiction of Slytherin in the books has always slightly irritated me. The Gryffindor view seems to be that Slytherins are all evil, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are nice but boring, and all true heroes are in Gryffindor. This isn't helped by the fact that all viewpoint and sympathetic characters are usually from Gryffindor (some, such as Hermione, put there by plot contrivance, when they'd probably fit better in other houses).

One would think that each house would have radically different world views, e.g., Slytherin as the house that produced the greatest generals and leaders against the Dark, not just as the house that produces Dark Wizards; Ravenclaw as the brains of the system, supporting the brave brainless jocks of Gryffindor.

Indeed, I'd like to see it mentioned that the common wisdom of all Dark Wizards being Slytherin is untrue. One would think that many a Ravenclaw has given in to research of the Dark Arts for the sake of knowledge; it's just that such types don't usually attempt to take over the world, and so don't make the headlines. (And, presuming the same enmity between Gryff/Slyth existed in the past, it's hard to believe that Wormtail was Slytherin (and was probably Gryffindor), and you don't get much Darker than that...)

The canonical view, unfortunately, seems to be that all true heroes are Gryffindor, and all evil comes from Slytherin. Quite frankly, though, I find that kind of simplicity boring.

Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:15PM Title: The Sorting Hat

Thanks for the review - don't worry too much about Hope: she's pretty upset right now but she's also very resilient and she's going to be ok, whatever happens to her.

The reasons were putting her in Slytherin were based on: 1. The fact the Sorting Hat almost put her dad in Slytherin because of his 'thirst to prove himself'

2. The way that Dumbledore harnessed her power at the end of A&O to kill Voldemort. I reckoned if Harry had inherited some of his powers through the encounter when he was 15 months old, then Hope would be likely to get bits of Voldie and possibly Dumbledore as well. You'll have to wait and find out more about that.

3. Truitinae Bonitas in A&O is described as a drive to fight for the good (or evil!) but it's something in terms of desire and single-minded pursuit of a goal that is very Slytherin. Not in a bad sense, but then I don't think all ambition is bad.

Reviewer: Avery Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:14PM Title: The Sorting Hat

Okay, lets get this over with.
Nil Desperandum is awesome. But still!!!! Hope in Slytherin?!?!?! You can't let her stay there for all her hogwarts days!!! What will Ginny say? And Harry? And Ron? And.. Well you get the picture!!! :cry: Honestly, I was crying when I read that. Hope is..well...Hope is Hope!!! And Hope is Harry and Ginny!! So it can't stay like that!!!

But besides that, it was great!!! I can't wait till the next chapter comes out. Cliffhangers can be really annoying!! Lol, I've hated them even more since JKR gave us a huge one that we've been waiting to end for years!! It was funny. Ginny was an uncanny impression of Mrs. Weasley.

One thing that I noticed was that one of the sortees was named Fraser Angus.
QUOTE “And don’t think I can’t do it, Angus Fraser,” she said crisply. There was a sharp intake of breath as the concealed figure heard his identity spoken aloud.
That was in the scene where the DEs were at Hogwarts and McGonagall was saying that they would remove them if they didn't leave. But anyways, I was jus curious about that. Please don't keep us hanging much longer!!!!

Reviewer: Rhea Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:13PM Title: The Sorting Hat

I must beg you to continue this wonderful fic. You have no idea the pleasure I and many others recieve by looking at one of the sites your story is posted on and finding a shiny new chapter. You have very much kept the characters true to their canonical natures while adding a bit of your own twists to them. Please do not listen to one Draco Malfoy in an entire crowd of Rons, Hermiones, and Dumbledores.

I have loved your stories from the beginning and to where you are now. When you disappeared for several months because real life insisted on butting into fandom, I posted at the Sugarquill looking for you. I have patiently waited for the sequels, and if you discontinue them I will be forever lost in the dark regarding Hope's fate.

Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:12PM Title: The Sorting Hat

LOLOLOL Yes, I know I'm being totally evil, but you've got to admit it makes for a far better story. I'm interested in how this is going to work out - Snape with a Potter in his house, Hope adjusting (or not) to this twist of fate and how everyone else is going to deal with such a thing.

Bart, I'm very much afraid it's a big YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

Whizbee ~ wow! What a review! I was grinning ear-to-ear when I read it. Hope should always come across as a combination of Harry and Ginny - she's definitely got Ginny's stubbornness and Harry's knack for getting herself into trouble just for a start. I'm pleased with the way she's turning out. It looks like Harry and Ginny have done a good job with her! LOL Glad you liked the canon echoes - they were a lot of fun to do.

*offers tissues around* Hope needs a bit of time. It's bound to be a bit of a shock for her.

Arwena - she's going to have to tell her parents and fairly soon as well. She knows they'll be expecting an owl from her and she also thinks they're going to be really disappointed in her. It's going to be a very difficult letter to write, and you should get that in Chapter 4. She's got another letter which she writes first

Sorry Nome! Trust me, it is a far better story this way. Hang onto the scarf like Hope - it'll make you feel a bit better. I know, I know. I am totally evil. You're right Jo. But there are reasons for her going into Slytherin - the hat tells you most of it, but the reason lies with what happens at the end of A&O. And as Nome pointed out, Harry was ALMOST put into Slytherin. As for moving her houses, you'll have to wait and see

QUOTE Actually, my pet theory is that she was put in Slyth because of the amount of Voldie that actually is in her (both through her bio-Dad and also through her own encounter with him as a baby). But why she didn't ask the hat to put her in Gryff?

You're exactly right with that theory, but don't forget it may be something more than just Voldie influencing things there. She didn't talk to the hat the way that Harry did, and unlike Harry she wasn't given a choice. As far as the sorting hat was concerned, yes she did have some Gryffindor qualities but the balance was tipped heavily in favour of Slytherin. She's got a real drive to fulfil her destiny and the ability to make a real difference - where else could it put her?

Chapter 3 on its way in the next couple of days. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Professor Jo Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:10PM Title: The Sorting Hat

You are FUNNY!! biggrin.gif I was hoping someone would get that Rev Tevia reference (LOVE Fiddler on the Roof!).

Actually, my pet theory is that she was put in Slyth because of the amount of Voldie that actually is in her (both through her bio-Dad and also through her own encounter with him as a baby). But why she didn't ask the hat to put her in Gryff? :?: It worked for Harry, why couldn't it have worked for Hope? :?: :?: Didn't he tell her about his own experience? I mean, Harry's a smart boy (yeah, I know he's a man here...), and he eventually figured it out - you'd think he would have warned his own daughter.

But maybe she'll reform the Slyth house. Maybe that's Imogen's plan. ohmy.gif I'm sorry, I keep typo'ing "Slyth" and putting a U instead of a Y, and if you stop before you get to the H, you get... well, just do it and you'll see.

I'm just biting my nails, waiting to see how Imogen intends on further torturing this sweet little girl. :x You know she's going to show up in the middle of the night at your house one day, right Imogen (night one day... nevermind. It's late. That's my excuse)? And she will NOT be pleased!

Reviewer: Nome Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:09PM Title: The Sorting Hat

On the other hand, Slytherin might not be so bad. But on the other hand, Slytherin might not be so good. On the other hand, her parents will be terribly disappointed! But, on the other hand, Harry was almost put into Slytherin...

Reviewer: Professor Jo Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:08PM Title: The Sorting Hat

You EVIL WOMAN!! :evil: You put that adorable, sweet, kind, funny and so very HarryandGinnyish little girl in SLYTHERIN???? :?: How... how... how DARE you? Have you decided that you LIKE to torture these sweet characters? It's just the second chapter and you're already plunging her into the depths of despair? What on earth can you have happen in chapter 10??? :?


On the other hand (doing a Rabbi Tevia here) - great chapter, well written, totally in character (except for... well, you know!), and very fun to read. smile.gif Now I can't wait for more, so that I can see how you're going to take her out of Slyth and put her where she belongs, in Gryff. And you are going to do that, right? Right???? :?: :?: :?:

Reviewer: Nome Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:07PM Title: The Sorting Hat

I think I'm going to cry. I can't imagine...

Now I am crying. I need a scarf to hold on to. If you want a decent review, you'll have to wait until next chapter.

Reviewer: Arwena Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:07PM Title: The Sorting Hat

I feel so sorry for her! When's she going to tell her parents? You had me all sad *sniff*
Please update soon!

Reviewer: Fizzing Whizbee Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:06PM Title: The Sorting Hat

eep! two chapters of Nil-Desperandum and I havent reviewed! *gasp* getting behind, I am getting behind. Okie, first chapter - Whee! I love Hope's personality in thiss! How she is a combination of both her parents- and her innocent perception on things. Made me giggle. Ooh, gotta love Arthur and Molly as grandparents- and the reference to stealing socks! Molly seems SO cool as a granny *grin* And in hindsight after reading Chapter 2.. the gryffindor scarf!! aww!
Hope's relationship with her parents made me go awww.. especially her realtionship with Harry. Don't know if it's just me, but I've always imagined Harry to be good with kids! How fitting to end the chapter with scarlet and gold
Chapitre two... my god. Shows how you deserve the evil queen title, eh? Slytherin!! Poor ickle Hope.
On a side note, absolutely loved the way that I thought it was a *dog* that's growling, but it was THE plant. hehe. Bill's dead? Whoo, something I missed there. Aha! *how* like Molly is Ginny?
QUOTE “No note, no broom, no nothing. Anything could have happened.”

CoS echoes, anyone?
QUOTE “My family have always been in Gryffindor,” Hope said, feeling her knees dissolve as hundreds of eyes turned to stare at the new first years. “Can you imagine what it would be like if…?” “Don’t be daft,” Robert whispered back. “Where else are you going to go?”

Poor hope, the thing that makes it worse for her is the utter unexpectedness of it all! wah.
Oh my gods, this made me laugh
QUOTE The ceiling’s enchanted to make it look just like the sky outside,” Hope found herself whispering an explanation. She’d actually read about it in ‘Hogwarts: A History’, but there was no way on earth she was going to admit to doing that in public.

How we can see little echoes of other characters in her is adorable.

One more quote, then I'll quit the waffle
QUOTE She couldn’t bear it any longer. Pulling the green hangings around her, she huddled up on the quilt, fighting back the emotions until all had fallen silent around her. Then, and only then, did the tears begin to fall, wracking her small body with unbearable grief until at long last she fell asleep, Grandpa’s Gryffindor scarf clutched tightly in her arms.

*sniffles* Anyway, you have got me completely and utterly on tenterhooks, can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Bart Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:03PM Title: The Sorting Hat


Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:02PM Title: Hope and Glory

You've been FAR more efficient than I've been about all this. I'm impressed you found your way over here to review - I haven't even got round to uploading it here yet!

Still, chapter 2's nearly ready to post so I hope you'll forgive me and then I'll head back to the other fic for a chapter or two and see how it goes

MBPascal! Your reviews always make me giggle - I love getting them! There are definitely elements of baby Hope still present in 10/11 year old Hope, not least her stubbornness (but you've not seen the worst of that... yet!) No plot as yet, but there's a lot of fun with characters for the next few chapters and then we'll get round to doing something a bit more interesting

Nome - Glad you think Hope's a combination of her parents - that's what I was angling after and with a bit of luck I'll be able to maintain that through the fic. I can empathise with her analysis of brothers wholeheartedly - there are certain things you'd rather not think about. I'm really pleased you liked the owl - I found him on the internet and fell in love with him! A black owl! Seriously cool.

LOL Thanks Yoda! What did you get her?

Reviewer: Yoda Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:00PM Title: Hope and Glory

Just a quick review as I dash off to buy my lil' sis a christmas present (against my will I should add) and here it is:

Wonderful as always.

Will expand later if I have time!

Reviewer: Nome Anonymous
Date: 22 October 2005 - 07:00PM Title: Hope and Glory

Imogen, that was HYSTERICAL.

First, Hope had so much character! I swear I could've been standing next to her. She was interesting, a blend of her parents and the other adults around her, but very much her own self and always true to her age. Especially loved the analysis of her brother's behaviour. (snips and snails and puppy-dogs tails...) Also, I've always loved how you never give in to the fanfic tradition of making children follow in their parents' footsteps. You didn't disappoint me here, even in something as minor as an owl. Some people may think it's cute and nostalgic to have things match, but I prefer your method.

Truitinae Bonitas! So that's what Dumbledore was doing!

Anyway, the last thing I wanted to comment on is how you, when starting a next-generation fic, never change the older characters to facilitate a plot for the new younger main character (if that makes any sense). I really appreciate it.

Reviewer: mbpascal Anonymous
Date: 22 October 2005 - 06:29PM Title: Hope and Glory

Yeah! I'm the first!!!!!! So. *Sigh* It's not enough that I have finals and ONE Imogen story, now I have finals and TWO?! My heart....it's crying out for mercy already.... ~_^

But anyway. Having JUST read it, might I say-- Huzzah! Wiigii! And other such exclamations of giddy joyousness.

Frankly, I always liked next-generation type stories, just for the sheer entertainment value of seeing cameos and inside jokes. And if Imogen's writing it, it MUST be good. Admittedly, there's no plot yet, but I don't need one yet either! More! With a rebel yell, no less, he cried More! More! More! ~_^

Please, keep it up. PLEASE.

--Pascal, who had enough on his mind for finals ALREADY without having to restrain his mind from amusingly comparing baby Hope with 10-year old Hope.

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