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Reviews For Nil Desperandum
Reviewer: JamesTheFirst Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 01:20PM Title: Never Say Die

Amazing. It gets funnier every chapter! I wish I could write like that

Reviewer: Nome Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 01:19PM Title: Never Say Die

Okay, first thing is, again, Snape the pink flamingo in slinky negligee??? You have a strange, twisted imagination. I knew there was a reason I liked you.

Second is that on glancing at the chapter title again, I misread it as "Never say dine". A warning about the ending! Or maybe I'm just weird. wait, scratch 'maybe'.

Reviewer: Andrea47 Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 01:18PM Title: Plan B

I've read the 5 chapter all together. I love them!!!

I was speachless when the Sorting Hat said "Slytherin!" At the beginning I really couldn't accept the idea... but right now, it's like isn't so bad. Though, I'd definitely love that somehow Hope and Cora'll change into Gryffindors...

It was funny the lesson with snape... I don't think he'll enjoy too much taking point from his OWN house... He's a real git!

I'm really looking forward to know the reaction of Harry and Ginny to the news.... they're gonna be stunned! But I don't think there gonna be angry, they love her too much for that! (at least that's what I think)

I hope you'l have next chapter up soon!

Reviewer: Arwena Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 01:15PM Title: Plan B

Dun dun DUN! The headboy!

HOp efinally sent the letter home! I'm waiting for the reply!That will be interesting, even though I don't think that Ginny and Harry will disown Hope.

Reviewer: Acacia Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 01:07PM Title: Plan B

just....wow. it took me almost a week but I read every single word in all of your stories in this series...I'm hooked! I need more!

I feel so bad for Hope! She probably feels like a big failure now that she isn't it Gryffindor. I just want to know what the deciding factor is. Because it's obviously not that she didn't want to not be in Slytherin like Harry...maybe she just didn't voice it or something. Too bad she just doesn't know how understanding Ginny and Harry will be...or at least I *think* they will be

It's good to know not every Slytherin is a big git. I'm glad Hope found a good friend. I just want her to be happy sigh lol. I'm a big sap for happily ever afters

I have to admit, I was pretty disappointed and shocked when the Sorting Hat said "Slytherin!". Only you could pull it off for me though. If it were anyone else...well there would be a major arse kickin Keep it up!

Reviewer: Shimmer Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:56PM Title: Plan B

It seems like Hope is sorta getting more used to being in Slytherin. And I know this is bad, but I don't want her to get used to it, lol. I want her in Gryffindor, hehe. It just doesn't seem right, lol.
I really like Robert though, he's such a great friend! And I love the comparison between Hope and her owl, how they both stand out and all.
Can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: shreve Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:55PM Title: Plan B

Glad that Hope trully has a friend in Slimeyin. I like Cora. She will be a good addition to the new Maraders.

Reviewer: John Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:55PM Title: Plan B

It good to see Hope is now beginning to at least see Cora as a friend rather than a Slytherin which is a start as it just seemed wrong for Hope to be so unkind.

I'm glad Hope has finally been brave enough to write to her parents, hopfully the reply will help Hope by showing they Love her no matter what.

Not sure what their reaction will be to find she turn most of the teachers into canaries though.

With Remus back on the scene,Robert proving to be a trustworth friend and Snape showing signs of caring for the wellfare of students in his house Hope should have a improving future unless something goes wrong

PLEASE let the next chapter be soon....... I need something to take my mind of all this coursework and exams.

Reviewer: Sherylyn Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:54PM Title: Plan B

OOoh, what a tangled web you're weaving here (with or without the deceit!! )!! Hope sure has her work cut out for her, doesn't she?? I'm glad Remus is there to keep an eye on her, and for her to talk to (I *wuv* Remus and Sirius both! ) And I'm glad she's at least figuring out that Cora is her friend, no matter what house they're in! And oooh, WHAT are you up to about Cora's dad AND that mysterious roomie of theirs??? Hmmm.....

As always, I'm looking forward to whatever it is you're planning next ...!!

Reviewer: Julephenia Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:53PM Title: Plan B

Riddle is in her head! *shudder*

It's like Ginny, only worse, because he's in there and it's not the fault of some diary... IMOGEN!

It's about time Hope wrote to H/G. Poor kid. It's hard to write a letter like that. Though now she's realizing that Cora's a good friend... good girl.

Have I mentioned recently how much I love Remus? And he knows how to make Hope squirm...

Ok, so I think I know how Riddle is in her head. But why is it *so* clear? Is it because of her past - and her parents? Did it all just concentrate? Is that why her magic is so strong? This explains Slytherin... but knowing Hope she won't *tell* anyone... just like her father, that girl. (Gee, sounds familiar to me...)

Fantastic chapter, Imogen. Thanks

Reviewer: mbpascal Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:52PM Title: Plan B

*dramatic sting music*


(....of course, I know that this isn't really a REAL cliffie. And I know that one of those will appear during Finals week, somehow. ~_^)

But I liked this ending! EEEEEVIL Hope! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!!! Not to mention, I like the Marauder's Map making it into the latest edition of Hogwarts: A History. I can only imagine Hermione's reaction to that. *gryn* Anyhoo, keep it up, please! I crave my H/G fix!!!

--Pascal, he whose 20th birthday happens to fall upon the same day as OotP's release date, and is eagerly anticipating some H/G magic as one of his presents.

Reviewer: Allie Kiwi Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:51PM Title: Plan B

Great to see more of this story - I think it must be my favourite one I'm following!

I'm all curious as to who Cora's Dad couel be now - hmm must go bck and reread to see if there are any clues.

Also, eeek ! What a creapy ending. I'm thinking Tom Riddle strikes again? Perhaps left over part of himself in Hope when she was a baby, rather like Harry was a parselmouth because Tom was too... Would that account for her Slytherin placing? Was the map somehow drawing her into Tom's memories, rather like the diary did in Book 2?

Questions, and more questions!

Reviewer: Shimmer Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:50PM Title: A Call to Arms

I can't believe I never realised this story was here before! It's brillant, Imogen. I read through it yesterday and I was in a very sad mood, and it made me cry when Hope was snuggled up with Arthur's gryffidor scarf, all alone in her dorm. I was actually crying, Imogen! Lol. I was thinking that she might be sorted into a different house since there was so much empahsis on her being in Gryffindor in the earlier chapters, I guess I'm just a good detective, huh? Hehe Keep up the awesome work!

Reviewer: John Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:49PM Title: A Call to Arms

The intro alone did it for me.. :phew [quote]Soft golden rays of sunlight glittered across the rippling lake, casting away the cold, hard light that steels the world before dawn. Nothing broke the surface, bar the wind that rumpled it like silk beneath its breath with promises of a beautiful day. All was still and silent for as far as the eye could see. In the forest that framed the boundaries of Hogwarts grounds, some of the animals stirred, yet the tiniest of Nifflers to the largest of monsters remained muffled securely with loved ones in burrows and lairs.

The castle too was asleep, all save one. She was crouched on the window ledge beside her bed, a tiny figure half-lost in her large white nightdress. Had anyone been watching, they would have seen her bright red hair glinting in the morning sun and a fierce hand scrubbing away what might have been falling tears; as it was, there was no one there[/quote]

Hope came so close to getting back to her parents it was .. evil..

Random thought: It can't be the first time a student has being placed into a house they didn't want to be in,

I'm not sure about Snape, I always considered him to just be nasty but recently i've been wondering if I've got him slightly wrong, in hindsight *some* of the things he has done seem to be have been to drive the students forward and improve themselves.

[quote]“You’ll be all right now,” Snape added almost kindly, leaving her in Madam Pomfrey’s care. “Detention at eight tonight, and please remember that running away isn’t any solution. I’d have expected a little more bravery from you than that.”[/quote]

Its strange seeing Snape acting as Hope's head of house trying to help her but being rebuted by her pride and distrust of Slytherin.

I can't help but wondering if the hatrid (is that the right word) she has been exposed to and the stories she has been told about Slytherin have seriously skewed her perceptions . Would she be as unhappy if she had always been told that all Slytherin are evil.

I don't know, maybe food for thought

Reviewer: Redhead Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:47PM Title: A Call to Arms

I was sure I'd just left a message, but I evidently haven't :no - Obviously going mad, or my computer went mad! That's what it was, stupid computer!

Anyway, great chapter! Well, I seem to be having the same thoughts as everyone else, and one thing still puzzles me. Dumbledore, wise chappy that he is, said to Harry, just after he'd saved Ginny and pulled the sword out of the hat and killed the basalisk etc, "It is our choices, which determin who we really are, far more than our abilities." Obviously, like Harry, Hope could have been sorted into any house and done well, but if she, again like Harry, had really wanted to not be sorted into Slytherin, and had really wanted to be in Gryffindor, why didn't the hat put her there? Perhaps Harry should have explained that to her before she left for Hogwarts, but perhaps his pride let him down again. I don't know, just a little thought.

Another thought I had has obviously been playing on the minds of many of us. That dagger. Anyone else thinking a miniture version of the sword of Godric Gryffindor??????

Nil Deseperandum Hope! Aut viam inveniam aut faciam! Nil Carborundum!

Keep them coming Imogen!! :lol -remind anyone of a certain magical me (not actually me...)..nope? ah well.

Reviewer: Professor Jo Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:45PM Title: A Call to Arms

Well, you know I love your fics. I mean, I tell you how much I love them often enough, don't I?

But this chapter... I just love Hope. She's so much her mother's daughter, with a huge chunk of her father thrown in as well. I can understand her being in Slyth, and I won't beg you to have her moved, but I just ache for the kid. She's so desperate to leave, and I really understand that point of view. Her plan to fly home was inspired, and her hunger to talk to her parents makes me think that Harry and Ginny are exactly the type of parents I'd want them to be - the kind that their kids turn to them in times of need. I love that.

When you think about it, Hope is actually really displaying a very Slyth trait by being as disappointed in her membership in the Slyth House as she is. She's being ambitious. Only for her, in this particular case, her ambition stems from wanting to be in Gryff. Just an interesting little side note I noticed.

Anyway, great work, great characters and wonderful story. Just in case you didn't know that already...

Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:44PM Title: A Call to Arms

Arwena, Hope has so far managed to aviod telling anyone the truth about what house she's been sorted into. Everyone has just presumed Gryffindor, so she didn't say anything at all about that to F&G. She will have to tell them, and soon.

Jules - she's getting there. It's going to take a lot of nerve because she knows they're going to be really disappointed in her. SHe doesn't realise that her house doesn't change who she is, and although it's going to be a shock for them, they're not going to love her any less for it. The elbow was a bit much to resist. LOL. Keep your eye on young Belford!

Liz, that's exactly what Hope wants - she just wants to be out of there, and whatever she has to do to achieve that, she will! The mischief is in a large part of her own making, although she has learnt a lot from the masters...

Hi Falco - nice to see you here and thanks for reviewing! Hope's not exactly showing her most likeable traits at the moment, so I'm not surprised you're wondering about what to make of her. The prejudices she has are the main barrier to her settling in and accepting her lot. But being Hope Potter, she's pretty stubborn and she's not going to change her mind over night. Snape should work out what she's up to - I'll be surprised at him if he doesn't.

Becky -you've summed her up in a nutshell! I'm very impressed. She's got a lot of stuff to work through, and the castle knowledge is definitely important...

Bart, you have an excellent point. If she doesn't tell her parents quickly, they will hear from someone else. She should know that!

Yoda - biting sheets are always fun. I'll have to write the howls of Parkinson anguish into the next chapter! No going out of bounds quite yet...

Hi MrsWeasley5 -welcome! Thanks for your review and comments - great to hear you're reading. The thing about Hope and her power is that it's uncontrolled magic right now. Yes, she's definitely inherited some elements of other people, but she has no idea what, or what implications that has for her. Her desperation could have removed the lock, but it shows her determination to get out far more if it didn't. One thing about her magic you've seen so far is that things don't always happen magically the way she wants them to - sometimes they do (like the bear at 5 months of age) but as she's become older, the need for her to control her magic has become more important in order to get things done as she wants. We've an interesting contradiction in her right now - power, but no way of using it properly.

Hope that makes sense - it probably doesn't. If you've read Philip Pullman's Dark MAterials, I'm think of it vaguely along the lines of Lyra's learning to read the Alethiometer. She does it by instinct when very young, but with learning she can become more powerful and really understand it when she is older. It's that sort of thing.

Thanks all for the reviews and for keeping me going!

Reviewer: Imogen Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:42PM Title: A Call to Arms

I'm literally oozing with guilt now. Like I said on the other thread, I've been an incredibly bad bunny about replying to all these! I am SO sorry. I've read them, giggled and really appreciated all the encouragement, and then real life caught up and I didn't post. :peek I'm coming out now - sorry it's taken so long!

I'll do this post on chapter 3 and the next one on chapter 4. Hope that's ok with everyone.

Yoda, all Hope is after is a way out of Slytherin. She doesn't care how she does it right now as long as she DOES actually get out of there. She's pretty stubborn and I really can't see her giving up easily on this at all! The title 'Nil Desperandum' does pretty much cover the whole year. There's going to be a lot of ups and downs for the poor girl!

LOL I agree Nome. Snape is having a lot of trouble adjusting to a Potter in SLYTHERIN of all places -I think he's almost having as much trouble as Hope is. He couldn't not take the points away once he'd started and it was prettyunfair of him to do that anyway.

Hi Carlin. I did try to make the Slytherin common room and the dormitory as nice as I could, but equally very different to Gryffindor. They can't be as bad as all that because no one would go there and put up with damp dungeon conditions in reality.

M.B.Pascal! :lol Glad you enjoyed Snape as well. It's scary how well I can channel him some days. Must be the scary teacher in me too! I'm wriitng on - hope you enjoyed chapter 4 as well!

Hi there Nyeshet - welcome! I'm thrilled to hear you're enjoying it and there are real reasons for her being in Slytherin. SHe's not a nasty character (usually) but she is very determined and has a real drive in her. I don't think we've seen that much yet, but we will. The knowledge of Hogwarts is definitely something to keep your eye on and things did happen at the end of A&O which will be relevant in this story as well smile.gif This batch of 'Marauders' is going to be a little different, but you're not far out when you liken this group of kids to James and his friends.

Thanks for the review Kaelyn smile.gif I hope Cora will stick with it and not let Hope drive her away. She seems pretty determined so far and she's a nice girl. Fred and George always rise to the occasion and Hope's definitely learnt a lot from them (and not just her potions ingredients!)

Arwena - Hope's definitely trying to escape - one way or the other!

Hi Alistair - nice to see someone else from here on the boards as well. This is my distraction from study as well LOL. Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying and it's nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well.

Jules and the fun with the emoticons! Hope's transfiguration of the dagger is a bit surprising, but like McGonagall said, there's the power already there, but Hope can't control what she does with it yet. It's pretty random for the most part. The potential is there for great things, but only if she learns to use it. Telling Harry is going to be really difficult for her.

John, Thanks for all the lovely reviews and emails - you've really made me smile with them all. Hope just needs time to adjust - there is hope (groan) there for her, but she's got to realise what she's got. If that makes sense...

Thanks Shelley. It's always lovely to hear you're enjoying it!

Hi Whizbee! It's rotten for Hope to be so homesick, isn't it? I'm enjoying her prejudices - and the vast majority of them aren't true at all, they're just based on what she's heard at home. The lake is nice - I'd not mind a room there myself!

Blinieldar - LOL of course she's going to terrorise the place - how can she not be up to no good with uncles like that?

Reviewer: MrsWeasley5 Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:40PM Title: A Call to Arms

First time posting here. I've read and thoroughly enjoyed your stories at GT and Sugarquill. I just finished reading chapterfour and was just wondering, if Hope is such a magically powerful witch that she was using a summoning charm at the age of a few months why was she unable to unlock the broom shed, or break through the wards around Hogwarts? In PoA Harry in a fit of anger after dinner with Aunt Marge was able to cause the cupboard under stairs holdiing his school books and trunk to magically burst open - is it not possible that Hope in her desparation (sp?) couldn't get through security at Hogwarts? Just a thought.

Thanks for all the remarkable stories. I can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Yoda Anonymous
Date: 23 October 2005 - 12:39PM Title: A Call to Arms

Excellent as always Imogen, just the thing to get my mind working after a horrible train journey today. So tell me, where can I get some seeds like that? I'd like to plant a few along 'lecturer's alley'

I just hope there's more fun in the next chapter, especially to see if the biting sheets have the desired effect (revenge is sweet). I really want someone else to find out that Hope's not in Gryffindor, get Harry and Ginny into the mix - socks at the ready!

Elbow in the compost biggrin

I'm also curious about the whole map of the castle in her head like Becky, there must be something more to it. Cue (slightly out-of-bounds) trips to Hogsmeade?

And I want Molly to find out about F&G's gift, that would just be hilarious

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